about me

     Hi, I'm Maggie!  I'm 14 years old, and I'm in Jr. High at my local high school.  I love to be outside, spend time with my family and friends, sing, write, read, run and have fun.  I'm interested in photography, acting, archaeology, music, and a lot more!
    Ever since I was little I have been writing short stories and little novels.  When I was younger, I would chronicle neighborhood stories and fun games of ball with the kids who lived in the neighborhood (we called ourselves The Neighborhood Gang.)  So I thought maybe I'd start a blog.  I've been known to have some pretty bizarre dreams, so maybe I'll write about some of them.  Or maybe I won't.  But hey, it's my blog, and I'll write about whatever the heck I want! :)
     I've always wanted to get into acting.  Kate Winslet is my idol!  I was in my first play/musical this summer.  I've been taking piano for about eight years, and I started playing the French horn in fourth grade.  I took voice lessons for about three weeks but I quit... but I love singing!  I decided I'm a high contralto.  I like playing the pennywhistle, too, even though it does drive people insane. I am teaching myself guitar, mandolin, bouzouki, and bagpipes, and I want to learn the fiddle and I'm just starting flute. If there was a graceful bone in my body If I could dance I'd like to learn how to Irish stepdance. I also love photography, and want to learn more about filmmaking, directing and editing.  And goats.
     I love traveling.  Every summer, my parents and I pile into the van with my awesome, cute, hilarious chihuahua-terrier Jack, and head out on the long, 2,300-mile-long way west.  Our family home on the Rocky Mountain Front is a great place to be, complete with beautiful mountains, rolling plains and rushing rivers.  And lots of family!  I love the great outdoors.  It's so much fun to take a long hike in the woods or the mountains, or to explore in the wilderness, or just to sit outside in the yard and read a book.
     Anyway, I ramble-- I hope I can brighten up your day with my blog!  Enjoy!