Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the great trip (so far)

Sorry I haven't written in a while.  The first day of our great road trip was Monday, and we arrived here in Moline, IL late Monday night.  We're staying with my aunt and uncle, which is AWESOME.  But I'm so tired it's unbelievable!  Here's some ups and downs from our trip so far:

stopping at a gas station before we left and then dad walking into a tall bucket of gasoline and dirt and oil (which conveniently waited to spill until I was in front of it) (...down) • being bored in the car and making quite the disturbing movie... i'll post it below (up) • getting through chicago without too much traffic (up) • and being in chicago at the same time as julian smith and improv everywhere (up) • promptly getting stuck in traffic in joliet instead (down) • biscuit bowl at bob evans (up) • passing a truck carrying two girls about my age, who kept passing us and waving (they had a video camera, haha!) (...up) • arriving in moline about 10:30 pm.. that's 11:30 my time, and seeing my aunt jayne and uncle bill (up) • being woken up the next morning at 8:00 by five little cousins (down) • getting to spend time with five little cousins (up) • helping five little cousins save the fairies in the woods (up) • how meara talks... "my fell.  my like puppies.  her got owie." (up) • jana's new puppy tuli (up... and so stinking cute!!) • opening a dog walking service with keelin (we walked tuli every hour.) and having two whole customers (three whole dogs) (...up, i think) • being a bottomless pit and eating all day (up) • i'm still hungry (down) • ...i want a big bowl of white rice with lots of soy sauce (up) • the dog going missing this morning (down) • forgetting casey was working on the house, hearing a scratching on the bathroom window, thinking it was the dog (bathroom's in the basement... so the window is actually on level with the ground outside) and while changing, going over to the window.  it was not the dog.  it was casey. (down) • dog coming back (up) • aunt jayne and mom telling me we're going somewhere this afternoon, but they won't tell me where... then jayne calmly informing me, "okay... we didn't want to tell you all at once... but we're all going to get colonoscopies together." she should really be a professional comedian, ahaha! (i'm not sure if this is an up or a down...)

This is what happens when Maggie spends too much time in the car.  D:

Meara likes jellyfish

my and meara.  her so cute!

tuli et moi
meara likes dogs