Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well, I suppose I owe you guys a post!  Sorry—I haven't gotten on here in ages, because I've been so preoccupied with busywork like having cookouts, hanging out with friends, and lounging around the house doing absolutely nothing, because I don't have to and it's summer!  Since 10:45 on Wednesday, I've been out of school for summer vacation.  What's this?  I seem to have survived the seventh grade!  I now have my first year at the high school under my belt, and it was a pretty good year, too.  But I'd rather not think about school now... instead I'll talk about summer, and the great parts of my year.

having awesome teachers (dennison, covs, mr. c) • having awesome classes (english... what's not to love about long socratic discussions about cutting chickens' heads off?) • cross country and races and giving coach grove birthday presents • getting principal's list and honor roll • choir and band concerts • playing keyboard for the jazz band concert • finishing off my knee problems with physical therapy • playing piano and french horn • receiving my yellow belt in karate • being cast as emily in our town and acting out the monsters are due on maple street • watching titanic in english on the last day of school (i love that movie!) and being the only one in the class sobbing when rose promises jack she'll never let go • eating at a fancy restaurant with my mom and godmother on the last day of school, and then stopping at an old-fashioned general store to buy grape soda and sassafras drops • school's out party at the vinsons', complete with slip 'n slide, kickball, s'mores, ultimate frisbee, and the annual burning of the homework • exploring the woods with gabrielle and eric • s'mores and weenie roast at my house to celebrate summer (and singing as high and loud as teapots and imitating basso profundo) • trying to get to hogwarts by singing "floo powder power! floo power powder!" and running into trees and signposts • singing don't stop believing in the cemetery at ten o'clock at night, and then going "kayaking" in the middle of the street • catching lightning bugs • eagerly awaiting tonight's doctor who • the bizarre cloud formation over the coffee shop this afternoon • riding my bike all over town trying to catch my dog • my dad losing his wallet and canceling all his cards, only for some good samaritan to bring it back to him today, everything still there • eating mom's fresh homemade asparagus soup

Anyway, I hope you all have a great start to your summer!  Here's my vlog from last night's cookout, and a couple of pictures:

Hot Dog Vlog

i love my self-timer

day in the woods with g & e

"i'll shoot you with my hot dogs!"

successfully setting my friend's camera down in the baked beans

good ol' summer