Thursday, August 4, 2011

decemberists concert and related ramblings.

I should've posted this a while ago!  Sorry!!  On July 21, my dad and I drove over to Missoula to see The Decemberists.  (If you don't know about them, look them up.  They're amazing.)
     So I'll start from the beginning.  We stayed at my dad's stepdad's neice Peggy's beautiful house.  The first day, upon arrival in Missoula, and after a successful lunch at the Pita Pit with dad, and a visit with our wonderful friend Ripley Hugo, we drove over to Peggy's at the outskirts of town.  Peggy's husband, Caddy, was at a convention that week, so she was very grateful for the company.  Her house is at the bottom of the hill in the trees.  There's a beautiful little brook right next to the house, and lots of lovely tall trees.  The house itself is huge!  Her bathroom is awesome.  It's the size of all of ours combined!  I love it!
     They recently remodeled Caddy's deck as well, and it's wonderful!  Because Caddy loves the ocean and sailing, the two of them set to work to make Caddy his own personal ship deck.  There are nets hanging down from the roof, which have seashells and other ocean/ship-related things attached.  Then, there are glass net-floats around on the floor of the deck and on the ground below.  There are ropes hanging and anchors in corners, and it's very rustic!

     My cousin Alexander (I call him 'Sander) came over for supper, and we all exchanged stories.  Peggy and Caddy are like honorary grandparents to he and his sister Emily, because they live in Missoula and their family is in ND.  After supper, Sander found a mandolin up in Caddy's den, and my dad pulled out a bouzouki and a guitar, and I found a ukelele on the living room table, and so we played music for a while. Finally, at about 11:30, Sander went home.  Peggy, being the artsier of the family, brought out some florist wire and buttons and showed us how to make these really cool flowers.  I got to bed at about 2:00.

     The next day, after nomming Peggy's delicious homemade breakfast, Dad left to go out for lunch at Tower Pizza with Sander.  I stayed at Peggy's and we decided to do some research and head to Joann Fabrics to look at patterns and material for making a dress.  Then, after a successful lunch at the Pita Pit with Peggy, we did the grocery shopping and headed back, and Peggy showed me how to hook wool.  After a while my dad got back, announcing that Tower Pizza was closed for lunch, and that he and Sander had decided we'd all go to a Thai place for dinner before the concert.  Also, Dad decided to go visit his college best friend's parents while we were here in Msla.  I went with—they were really nice!
     We got to the Thai place and I had the most revolting Thai iced tea.  The rest was good though.

Peggy and Caddy's beautiful cat, Trim (as in trim the sails)
     ...So, you really didn't have to read all that.  Here's the good (but brief) part.

     The concert was great!  The opening band, Typhoon, was pretty cool, too.  You should look them up as well.  I'd link you, but I'm lazy.  Anyway, the Decemberists were amazing!  We were in the back at first, but then we moved up to the front so I could get some pics.  It was an outdoor venue; right outside the Big Sky Brewery.  The fiddler from Nickel Creek (check them out too) was there, filling in for accordionist and keyboardist Jenny Conlee, who is undergoing treatment for her cancer.  My favorites of the songs they played were The Crane Wife 3, Rox in the Box, and Down by the Water... All of them were fantastic though!  Afterwards, dad was planning on going to the Union Club with Sander to meet some of his friends and talk about the concert, but last minute he decided just to go back to Peggy's and tell her all about it.. Bad decision: lead singer Colin Meloy appeared at the Union and played for everone! We stayed up pretty late, again, looking through pictures and videos from the concert with Peggy.  She loved The Crane Wife, so we listened to that one a few times.  Peggy retired late, saying happily, "Oh, I feel like I've gone to a Decemberists concert!" I got to bed around 2:00 again.   
     The next day, Peggy awoke saying just as happily, "Oh, kids, I woke up thinking about.... the crane wife."  I'm glad she liked the Decemberists! :D
     Sadly, we had to go.  So after a successful lunch at the Pita Pit, (yes, again.) (...can you tell I like that place?!), we headed out of Missoula.  Here's some pics from the concert:

Maggie out!

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