Thursday, June 30, 2011

jeez! i need to blog!

     Oh my goodness— I'm so, so, so, so sorry!  I haven't blogged in forever!!! So, so sorry!  Well, in the time I haven't been blogging, I've:
  • arrived in MT
  • had a great visit from some PA friends
  • developed an allergy to pineapple
  • spent time with my awesome friends Hannah and Adair
  • started a week-long musical theater camp
  • had family arrive
  • built a teepee
  • not found a severed leg
      I've got a lot to talk about! (Actually, write about.  I'm on vocal rest till the show tomorrow!)


     We arrived here almost two weeks ago (gee, I'm making myself feel even guiltier!  It's been ages since I blogged!) and two days later Joe, Laurie, and Paul from PA arrived— they're going on a cross-country trip ad have been to all sorts of awesome places all over!  During their stay with us, we visited an old Métis eagle capturing site, some buffalo drive lanes, and a big medicine wheel.  We also had a picnic at a beautiful waterfall in the mountains, and climbed Crystal Mountain (and gathered lots of crystals!). It was a blast— Hannah slept over while they were here too, and we worked on our fort, played in the mud by the river, and had an all-out battle of the cereals (Cheerios vs. Froot Loops).  It was a lot of fun!
     I started theater camp, too.  Camp started on Monday, and tomorrow is our performance: a 20-minute mini-musical called "A Little Bit of Showbiz".  I have four hours a day of singing, dancing and acting... It's been a lot of fun!  However, I've been singing so much this week at camp, that I completely lost my voice.  I didn't get a low solo (I'm an alto) (More like a tenor >_<) and my solo is wayyyy too high to sing.  Plus, I can't hit the right notes, for some odd reason.  Oh well.  I'm performing with 32 little tots anyway, as I'm one of the oldest kids.  Hot tea and vocal rest for me.  Wish me luck!
     A couple days ago (that's how tired I am... I don't even remember what day!) I slept over at Hannah's, with another friend, Adair.  We had a great time!  We floated in the creek in tubes, and had smoothies and such at the coffee shop.     :D
     My Aunt Amy, Uncle Erik, and cousin Emily arrived last night! YAY!  It's great to see them!!!!  We're going to have a lot of fun this summer!

     Today we built a teepee.  Yup.
     Oh, and there's this severed leg that I can't find.  It's starting to make me nervous.   

haha, weird cloud formation.  YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONEEEEEE

me on top of the mountain

pretty waterfall up the canyon (but not the one we picnicked at)


water... again

hannah and adair

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