Saturday, July 2, 2011

a bit of the biz every day

Actually, four hours of the biz every day!
So the musical we've been practicing all week at camp was last night.  It was a lot of fun, and overall it went pretty smoothly!  One girl forgot her lines, but she was saved by Hannah's little sister Maggie.  I was actually able to sing my solo high, and my voice came back just in time!  It was a lot of fun... everyone did great!  Here's some pics:

the cast

"wait!  crazy picture!"

taking pics with the props after the show


love this one

...this one too

ad-lib post-show belting out of my heart will go on

After the musical, we ate in town and I had a well-earned dinner of curly fries, a salad and a root beer float. (For lunch I had fries and root beer.  Coincidence?  I think not.)  We then ran into cousin Alexander at the gas station—he's coming up for the weekend from Missoula.  Yay!

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