Tuesday, July 5, 2011

hitchhiking, emu burgers, and the fourth of july

Hellooooo, worldddd!  Hope each and every one of y'all had a great Fourth!  Happy birthday America!

     I spent the evening of the third making Fourth of July fascinators with my family.  Yep, you're jealous.  Hahaha!  They weren't quite Princess Beatrice's, but they sure were a hit!
     I woke up early in the morning on the Fourth so I could go into town to be in the musical's float in the parade.  We all woke up bright and early (crack of 7:45!), donned our fascinators, and headed out in the van.
     We were about 10 miles on our way when my mom heard a hissing noise.  She pointed it out to us, and declared that she hoped it wasn't a tire.  A second later, the hissing had reached an awful screeching and clattering, and with a scrape we broke down at the side of the road.
     Before I go on, I must point out that we were 10 long, hot miles from home, and 20 longer, hotter miles to town.  I was supposed to be at the courthouse at 9:15 to queue up for the parade—it was 9:20 already.  So with a groan we tumbled out of our crippled vehicle, and began the hunt for the spare tire. 
     I realized that it was not humanly possible for us to make it in town on time, if at all, so my mom and I walked up the road a ways and held out our thumbs.  An RV drove by, paused, stared at us, and drove on.  A pickup drove by—no room.  Another pickup drove by: third time's the charm, they say—the charm being a big red truck full of dogs and magazines.  The man introduced himself as Gary, and sadly I forget the name of his wife.  Gary wanted to know if by any chance we could find a John Deere hat store in PA, and his wife discussed blood vessels and brain surgery with my mom.  
     Finally, we got to town and I surprised my fellow thespians with my astonishing tale of dedication, hahaha.  Mrs. Dawn Gunderson, our director, was laughing and wanted to know if we actually stuck out our thumbs to get a ride.  The parade was great, and we performed our first number from "A Little Bit of Showbiz", Top Hat and Classy Cane, for the crowds.  After the parade we hung out on the float a while and talked to and thanked Dawn for everything.  Then my family showed up to pick me up and we headed back home on our spare tire. 
     Later we went back into town without further trouble, and the rodeo was great until a bull began to gore a cowboy, and the clown stepped in and saved his life.  The clowns really are the bravest, most admirable people in the rodeo (especially dancing with Beth!  KIDDING!  Haha, more on this story later.).  Then, at the end, there was the wild cow milking event.  LOL!  It's hilarious... whoever wants to can sign up to do it.  During the rodeo, anyone who feels inclined can sign up.  Then, the teams of three to ten or so people are given a beer bottle and a cow.  At the whistle, one team member pulls open the gate and releases the wild cow.  The cow is not tame and hasn't been milked before.  They then have to wait until the second whistle to go to their cow, who at this time is rampaging through the arena causing chaos everywhere.  They have to get enough milk out of the cow to pour out the bottle—the first team to do so wins.  Only this time, a man got knocked unconscious and had to be bagged and taken away in an ambulance... I hope he's okay!
     Aha.  So I mentioned earlier about Beth dancing with a clown—HAHAHA! He singled her out of the audience an made her dance.  It was hilarious!  But Beth says he was wet...? :P
     Today we went to Glacier Park.  It was a lot of fun!  I saw mountain goats and a ground squirrel.  And ducks.  And mountains.  We rode the little ferryboats around the lakes, and a few people saw a moose.... we had a snowball fight, too, and I had some realllllyyy good cherry coke.  Anyway, below are some pics from the rodeo, Glacier, and some sneak peeks at my photoshoot with Beth's dog, Cinoc.
     Oh.  I almost forgot to add:
     Today I ate a piece of charred emu.


bull riding

cinco being cute

cinco's sleeeepy

cinco misses iowa

emily has been hit with a snowball.

....but we'll never find out who.


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