Friday, July 15, 2011

i done clumb a mountain.

And I done clumb a mountain gooood.

thom is the king of the worldddd!

beth is the queen of the worldddd!

 ^...........see that speck? it's my cousin, sander.


picnic spot

sander behind the mountain we done clumb

the abyss of doom... i was standing on scree. 

Well then—pictures first!  I'm fancy!

As I said, I done clumb a mountain.  On Saturday the 9th, my family and I climbed Ear Mountain.  We set out early and piled in the Subaru and drove as close as we could to the base.  Our party consisted of my uncle Erik, uncle Thom, aunt Beth, cousin Sander, cousin Emily and myself.

It took forever to get to the base of it.  We scrambled over ridge after ridge until we reached its roots, and began to work our way up the steep, rocky slope.  If you suffer from vertigo, this is not the hike for you!  I was doing okay until I realized how terrified my cousin was— she's very afraid of heights, and that part was hard for all of us!  I was doing fine, as I said, until I got tired and sat down.   Then all of a sudden it felt like all that empty space in front of us was pressing me against the mountain.  From then on, I would take about ten steps and have to rest.  When we reached the top, we ran into the most unexpected thing to find on top of a mountain— a fence?!  Up there at 8500 feet? Pretty weird.

We then scrambled over a hill and scouted the landscape to find a good picnic spot.  We hiked to the said picnic spot, a nice, tiny little valley under the caves on the south end of the mountain.  We had our lunch there and then Erik, Sander and I braved the scree so we could have a look around the mountain.  It was then we discovered that there was no way to get to the chimney without going back down the other side of the mountain, and up a steep, scree mountain goat trail— that's a problem, because this "chimney" is the only way you can get up the steep cliffs to the top of the mountain.  So sadly, and against many protests (mostly from me) (actually, all from me) we had to turn around and hike back to the picnic spot.

We headed down after a while, and promptly got lost.  We were on the last bit, and we could see the road... so near but yet so far! Haha.  We were all tired and dehydrated and low on water (although we did have a few melted chocolate bars.)  I had swallowed the last bit of my water for lunch— all that was packed for beverages was a bottle of wine, and Sander brought some beers :P  So there wasn't anything but water for me.  Which meant I was veryyy thirsty on the way down... but then, by some stroke of luck, we passed a mountain spring and I refilled my bottle.  Too high for giardia, I hope!  :)
After a couple hours of "Here, it's just over this ridge.... *another ridge comes into sight* NOOO" we finally got to the car, thirsty, hot, and tired.  We drove home, showered, and had some dinner (raclette!  Best meal ever!) and concluded our day with some music-playing with friends Mary and Rich.
All in all, it was a really great day! :D

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